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BoatsBazar and Boats and Charters - is a listing and Boats and Charters directory, where professional merchants but also private sellers connect with buyers from around the world. If you are a seller, you can add listings in few seconds, and if you are a buyer you can search listings to find your dream object!
Search by keywords or by a location.

You can also browse our web directory.

Tips for a Successful Listing

General Information

How to choose a good listing heading
Choose a generic heading, with few words, as for example:
Laptop Computer for Sale
About your contact information
The more you include, the better the chances that a potential client will get to contact you. So, add more information possible.

Short description
Write a short summary with the features of your listing, this is important because it will appear on all lists in our site.

Main features check boxes
Select all features your listing has, into the listing there will appear only checked features.

Full description
Describe your entire object with more details you can. Users like to read descriptions to understand if your listing is the property they are looking for, write all information about the area where your listing is located, how many room your property has, how many bathrooms, and these type of information.

Listing photos
Adding photos to your listings is very important, so when you choose them, keep in mind what you have included in your description.  Make sure the images aren't too small but also they aren't too big, or you could have a problem to upload them, we suggest images around 300k, also be sure your image is in Jpeg format, if you don't know how to convert them into jpeg format, please add your listing without images, and after you could send images via e-mail to us, we will provide to add them.

Other object features
Don't forget to include the construction year, the size of the object, the coulour, the conditions, and don't forget the prices! When you select the price, you can type the price and you can select the currency. Prices must be in an integer form, without floats and cents.
Difficulties in adding a listing
Once you have finished filling out the form, and clicked on the button to add your listing, if you have difficulties in adding its, you can contact us or you can send all information to us via e-mail.

Multiple listings for professional merchants
If you have a large number of listings, you could contact us to find an automatic solution to add your listings.

Remember you can always contact us to help you in adding your listing, we want for you the best service and the simplest job to add your listing.

[ ROME - 03/March/2025 03:10:25 ] We have 331 objects listed. Yesterday traffic on boatsbazar and charters Boats and Charters was: unique visitors with page views.

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BoatsBazar and is a worldwide and international Boats and Charters and listings directory, with thousands of Boats and Charters listings, divided into countries and regions. All material, the structure, and the layout on this site are © Copyright of boatsbazar and by C. Giovanni located in Trento N. 74 Pal. I Street in Pagani(Salerno) - Italy. Italian Business Code: Partita IVA N. IT03972320653, registered in the "Camera di Commercio" of Salerno.

BoatsBazar and is one the C. Giovanni projects, started on 20 July 2005, and online since 20 August as a Boats and Charters platform for listings, mainly operating on the Italian and American/English market in the Internet, boatsbazar and charters would like to become the point of referiment for home sellers and home buyers, a site where private owners or professional merchants can have the possibility to show their offers to the world. boatsbazar and is only one of the Giovanni Ceglia's sites. Everyday Giovanni Ceglia works to improve new Internet tools and services for online marketing and business. boatsbazar and will become the biggest portal for Boats and Charters business and investments online.